Mediation Agreements

While arbitration agreements tend to receive more attention, mediation agreements should not be overlooked.  Accepting the premise that pre-arbitration/litigation mediation is a good idea, the parties need to have a level playing field so that all involved understand what they are agreeing to by way of mediation.

 As noted by attorney Jorge Salva, a good mediation agreement should contain:

  • Dispute Summary: A summary of the nature of the matter, including the facts and legal issues in dispute.

  • Payment Provision: A description of the payments that must be made by one party to the other, as well as the schedule for such payments.

  • Termination/Modification Provision: The circumstances under which the agreement may be terminated or modified by either party and the process for making any changes.

  • Confidentiality Provision: A clause prohibiting the parties from disclosing the contents of the agreement to third parties.

  • Governing Law: A provision setting forth the jurisdiction that will govern the interpretation and enforcement of the agreement.

 With these issues agreed to beforehand, the parties should have a leg up on resolving their dispute.


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